Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I was on the verge of doing a HELP ME post, but decided to help myself instead. I have been wanting to have a list of my favorite blogs and the ones I go to every day onto my blog, and low and behold I figured it out all by my lonesome. I know what all of you sophisticated, seasoned bloggers are saying, that you had that part figured out years ago. Well I am not the best blogger in the world. I'm still trying to figure out which is better to do, add your pictures or your words to your post first because never fail, I get my wording exactly how I want then in comes the picture to destroy all the pretty set up I have. Well anyway... enough with the rambling I can just hardly contain my excitement for discovering something new into the blogging world before I got down on my virtual hands and knees to beg someone out there to tell me how to do it!

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