Friday, January 30, 2009

ABC's of Me

A - Animal lover.... of any kind!

B - Bossy... Joseph would agree with this statement totally.

C - Creative. I love to make and create anything and to scrapbook.

D - Different. I am my mother's "strange child."

E - Entertainer, I always jump at the chance to have people over.

F - Free to do what ever I want, becuase I'm a woman and I said so!

G - Get's worked up easily, lots of people know how to push my buttons and do it on purpose.

H - Hair styling is so much fun. I love my job.

I - Impatient, I can't wait for even a second to get something done, it has to be RIGHT NOW

K - Kind hearted. Lots of things make me sad,. I feel bad for people a lot.

L - Loves to cook. Don't do it all the time, but enjoy it.

M - Moody...especailly lately. Thanks PMS... you ruined my week.

N - Nosy becuase I always want to know who, what, when, where and why.

O - Optimistic. I always think people are good, even when everyone else warns me.

P - Parent, I can't wait to be one. I will be a darn good one at that.

Q - Questions, Love to ask and love to answer.

R - Rescues any animal that I come across that needs a good home.

S - Soon to be Wife! What a new adventure, coming soon! March 7th 2009

T - Thankful to have Joseph, even though I don't always show it like I should.

U - Understanding... no matter how bad something is, I usually always understand their side.

V - Vegas, we are going there on our HONEYMOON!!!!

W - Wish I didn't take things so seriously sometimes, I need to take it easier on Joseph.

X - X-ray vision would be really cool to have... sometimes.

Y - Young at heart... I will still love Disney movies, roller coasters and ice cream when I'm 80.

Z - Zues is my wonderful lab-chow mix dog. I LOVE him to pieces.

1 comment:

Nick and Natalie said...

holly i love your abc's they are soo true!!!! I am glad to be your friend!!! You have so many great qualities!