Monday, March 30, 2009

Why I Love My Husband

I have been married for almost a month now and life is great. I LOVE my husband so much.

1. He helps me do dished, laundry, and clean the house.

2. He is a great DOG Dad!

3. He let me paint our living room purple and lets me decorate however I want.

4. He even help me paint the purple.

5. Joseph is such a great achiever. He opened his own business at 20 and owned 2 houses by the time he was 21.

6. My hubby always takes care of me.

7. We love all the same shows and he always lets me choose what to watch.

8. Joseph always does things for me, around the house, or out and about.

9. He loves me unconditionally.

10. I love that Joseph always thinks about our future and has HUGE dreams. No goal is ever too far out of reach for him!

I am so lucky to have found my soul mate and to be able to marry my best friend. Thank you so much for what you do for me and for always loving me! I love you Joseph!

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